
5 Inspiring Stories of Ipon Challenge

Are you planning to save this year? You wish to, but your salary doesn't allow you to? Despite multiple attempts, your saving scheme failed a lot of times!   How about we get some inspiration from people who tried and succeeded in saving? What is their secret?  Have you heard about "Ipon Challenge"? Have you tried it before? Basically, ipon challenge was a famous "formula" when you really want to save money originated in the Philippines. Filipinos developed various strategies to incorporate this challenge and made it a fun and enjoyable habit that every earner could possibly like.  It might sound like an obstacle, right? But no, this will make you feel proud of yourself once you accomplish your goal, saving. This needs a strong mindset, determination, consistency, and hard work.  Requires to remind you from time to time what your goal is. Why do you want to save money? Is it only for fun? Your work just pays you well? Do you plan to buy something after s

10 Things You Need to Know About MP2

This year, are you thinking about how to grow your financial condition?  Are you familiar with active and passive income?  Or, are you one of those who are still in doubt if investing is for you? Look no more! If you are a Filipino, residing in the Philippines, or working abroad, you have probably come across the famous MP2, but not yet. Oh, you've landed on the right blog to hear about it. Should we? Personally, this writing is from experience, and I tried it myself. Let's talk about MP2 on a very layman's level, just like an ordinary citizen who happens to belong in the working class.    1. What is MP2?  Basically, it is a Pag-ibig Fund Saving Program. Well, is there a Filipino who doesn't know what Pag-ibig is? If there is, okay! It is a government-owned and controlled corporation under the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development of the Philippines, responsible for the administration of the national savings program and affordable shel